James Yeung

Results 75 issues of James Yeung

Please see the action log: https://github.com/ant-design-blazor/ant-design-blazor/runs/6823621463?check_suite_focus=true ``` Installing dependencies from Pipfile.lock (aabb[41](https://github.com/ant-design-blazor/ant-design-blazor/runs/6823621463?check_suite_focus=true#step:4:42))... Traceback (most recent call last): File "docsearch", line 5, in run() File "/github/workspace/docsearch-scraper/cli/src/index.py", line 161, in run exit(command.run(sys.argv[2:]))...

Hi there, I tried to install this package to https://github.com/ant-design-blazor/ant-design-blazor, but an exception occurred during the publishing process. ``` AntDesign.Docs.Wasm -> E:\antd\ant-design-blazor\site\AntDesign.Docs.Wasm\obj\Release\net5\browser-wasm\PubTmp\Out\ dotnet "C:\Users\shunj\.nuget\packages\blazorwasmprerendering.build\1.0.0-preview.4.1\build\../tools/net5/blazorwasm-prerendering-server.dll" -a "AntDesign.Docs.Wasm" -t "AntDesign.Docs.Wasm.App" -s "#app"...

Hi @lucabriguglia I like your project very much. I started to pay attention to Weapsy before. I noticed that you are using Blazor in Atlas. I also recently created a...

Hello, I'd like to ask if this project has any plans to support actor frameworks like Orleans or Akka?


SqlException: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_DomainAggregate'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.DomainAggregate'. The duplicate key value is (f7f86aab-b3b9-4dae-a895-e7dbe60f37f3). ![tim 20170608173519](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/7550366/26922249-2566c2ba-4c71-11e7-98bb-a07d18a1c7aa.png)


经过EF Core查询出来的实体,会存在循环依赖映射的问题,这个需要特殊处理一下。

I am looking for a way to develop the .net core application on my raspberry pi.

### 🤔 This is a ... - [ ] New feature - [x] Bug fix - [ ] Site / documentation update - [ ] Demo update - [ ]...

PR: unreviewed