Eetu Mäenpää

Results 15 comments of Eetu Mäenpää

Yep, exactly. I haven't thought too much about this yet, but one problem I know there will be are the chunks' borders where the vertices can not be welded, but...

That sounds like a perfect solution for smooth shading! It would even solve the problem on chunk edges, which I thought would be really difficult. Thanks for sharing those resources,...

Hey, I tried to calculate the gradients and it kind of worked. Integrating it with the Job system was however kind of a mess (a huge mess to be honest...)...

Hey, that looks quite good! I'm not sure if that's faster than welding the vertices, but that would have to be profiled. Still, I really appreciate your search efforts!

A while ago I was playing around with 3d noise but didn't really bother polishing it. Could be a nice addition. If you want to try 3d noise yourself, you...

I got some kind of 3D noise working, here's how I did it: public float CalculateVoxelData(int worldPositionX, int worldPositionY, int worldPositionZ) { float voxelData = worldPositionY; // Create 3D noise...

> Although, there are a lot of floating parts. You think it's because of the noise function? Yep. > I'm not sure how to detect these parts. This could be...

Yes, I agree. I'm not sure if Wikis were a thing back when I created this issue, but today Wikis are definitely the better solution for documentation. The README should...

Hey, I have not looked into this very much yet, but I think I have one idea of how this could maybe be implemented, but I have no idea if...

The density values are bytes so unfortunately, that wouldn't work. Something that would work though, is [run-length encoding]( RLE may also be able to compress the chunks a lot because...