after some more testing, the bar _does_ become responsive once you click anywhere on the gallery screen after hiding the modal screen show gallery screen show modal screen hide modal...
here's a [build](https://www.mediafire.com/file/qooafwg39pnf2h4/BugModal-1.0-pc.zip/file) where the issue is present (the gallery screen) the code is line 288, right above the navigation screen this is in renpy 8.0.3, but i fist caught...
could be nice to also implement this for multi-persistent data, though one issue i see with this is that unlike persistent data, multi persistent aren't 100% sure to be loaded...
changing it to `at [Flatten, cg_dissolve]` did the trick i do think converting the object to a `list` when passed as a `tuple` is worth looking into (especially for layeredimages,...
rarely used doesn't mean it can't be improved. i don't know anyone who has ever modified or even heard of the gc config variables, yet 4 of those exist. the...
a fellow emr connoisseur?
it replaces the default blur, so you use it as you would use the built-in blur
```rpy show sample_image: blur 10 ``` `preferences.graphics_blur` controls which blur is used. `0` == built-in blur `1` == noisy blur `2` == gaussian blur
displayables inside containers don't recieve transform events (outside of those related to focus like `hover`, `idle`, etc...)
so what are these last 3 issues actually about?