
Results 7 comments of Elay

im not really sure what the exact problem is but i think that there are items in the shop that doesnt should be in the shop and thats why they...

alright i've tested it and have come to a conclusion: in this case i have 3 random things in the shop and put a max to 5 things, 1 thing...

plus there is a kinda error in the console everytime opening the shop while a slot is empty Equipment item does not have model or material specified: table: 0x015b25837710

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40922292/143862349-e5eadd07-aee7-4f1a-8858-c70ee52d841b.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/40922292/143862673-2fbdf141-7a6f-4880-8fa9-3f401d667233.png) simple reproduce: just put the default rifle in the shop / equipment buyable & always available in shop then you will get the same error in the console...

every ammo type spawns regardless of AutoSpawnable false or true, i think @TimGoll could explain more to this bug

Do you know when he is updating it or did he abandoned SAM ?

honestly 2 of my friends got this issue fixed with adding more RAM but as @zaryar already tried that, i am not even sure whats the issue there exactly (8...