A schema containing fields instantiated using `DataField`, `DateTimeDataField` and `DecimalDataField` constructors also cause an ArgumentNullException on ParquetConvert.Serialize because none of these 3 constructors call the base `DataField` constructor with a...
Instead of explicitly constructing a schema using `DataField`s, if `TestClass`'s properties are annotated with `ParquetColumnAttribute` like this: ``` public class TestClass { [ParquetColumn(Name = nameof(DateTimeOffsetValue), DateTimeFormat = DateTimeFormat.Date)] public DateTimeOffset...
The code causing this behaviour is in https://github.com/commandlineparser/commandline/blob/cd915bec27095a55ef8368013478ad00c930fb15/src/CommandLine/UnParserExtensions.cs#L294 Changing the function body to the code below makes unparsing behave as I described in the original post. ``` private static bool...
I raised a PR https://github.com/commandlineparser/commandline/pull/852 which fixes this bug.