
Results 6 issues of Eilie

Hello, ntlm auth doesn't work: ```clojure (def login "login") (def pass "pass") (def host "localhost") (def domain "domain") ;; Works and returns status 200. (let [nt (NTCredentials. login pass host...

waiting for user

Issue is described in following thread: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/finaglers/snRvOYwljbI Basically Play's auto-reloading breaks Finagle's reflection based API. Also @jproper gives good explanation of what's going on and how to fix it here:...

good first issue

For some reason flycheck compilation error popup can't be displayed over text so it chooses to add each line of compilation error popup at the end of existing line: ![](http://i.imgur.com/ETbqtzl.png)...


Hello, how can I compile my program to static binary?

Hello, I can't run my tests(TestSpec) without bundle exec. I doesn't looks like I can tell Rinari to use bundle exec before very ruby-related shell command it does at the...

Currenlty: ``` ruby foo very_long_arg_1: "value", very_long_arg_2: "value", very_long_arg_3: "value" ``` Should be: ``` ruby foo very_long_arg_1: "value", very_long_arg_2: "value", very_long_arg_3: "value" ```