
Results 17 issues of Eichhof

Hey Do you know if the cvxEDA algorithm already removes linear trends? I think linear trends should not be a problem for phasic components but for tonic components. Or else...

Hello In bio_ecg.ecg_hrv you interpolate the RR intervals to convert to continuous RR interval before extracting the frequency domain features. You are doing this using a third order (i.e. cubic)...

Hello I have a 7 minute nature video recording at the beginning of my experiment which I would like to use as baseline for my EDA and RR signal. Currently...

Hi Before applying the cvxEDA algorithm you are filtering the signal. According to the cvxEDA paper this is not necessary: "As a result, the method does not require pre-processing of...

Hi there, I'm using EDA and HRV features. I'm extracting these features for each stimulus by positioning a window at the start of the stimulus (I think including data before...

Hello I'm running BlenderBot2 (zoo:blenderbot2/blenderbot2_3B/model). In addition, I'm using a safety classifier to flag chatbot answers as inappropriate (parlai.utils.safety.OffensiveLanguageClassifier). Whenever a response is flagged as inappropriate, I change the response...

Hello I'm using BlenderBot 2.0 on a Python Flask Server using the following code snippets: ``` from parlai.core.agents import create_agent_from_model_file opt = {'skip_generation': False, 'include_personas': True, "knowledge_access_method": "memory_only", "doc_chunk_split_mode": "word",...


Hello I'm using Cuda 11.6 on Windows 10. I successfully cloned the Parlai repo and run the installation. The problem now is that when I want to use ParlAI I'm...

Hello everybody I'm using BlenderBot 2.0 (blenderbot2_3B) and it works fine most of the time. I think I can kickstart a conversation by using prompt engineering and just feeding some...

Hello everybody I'm using BlenderBot 2 with the following parameters: ``` from parlai.core.agents import create_agent_from_model_file opt = {'skip_generation': False, 'include_personas': True, "knowledge_access_method": "memory_only", "doc_chunk_split_mode": "word", "search_server": "", "inference": "nucleus"} blender_agent...