
Results 4 issues of Eddy

Add the ability to add colors to the signs. The most simple solution would be allowing user to add color codes on the sign itself. As for first line that...

I am wondering if there's a way to disable the requirement to add a boot script and an ssh key before the customer can deploy the server? I am quite...

I am selfhosting vscode via a code-server running in a docker container. I have succesfully setup docker extension inside docker container running code-server. The container explorer window shows all of...


I've been testing this image using the example commands provided in the readme here https://github.com/willhallonline/docker-ansible?tab=readme-ov-file#mount-local-directory-and-ssh-key I noticed this path to private key may be wrong `~/.ssh/id_rsa:/root/id_rsa`, the aliases examples use...