
Results 16 comments of Eddy

The email in treafik.toml has nothing to do with the setup. It's just a requirement in case if they need to send an email. But it doesn't affect the generation...

Could you provide compose of your panel? Also, what do you mean by "KEY" and "value"?

Ah, you're over complicating a bit. The default configuration on this repo uses let's encrypt which doesn't care what kind of host or domain provider you use. With default configuration...

Did the WordPress you installed ran under Traefik? Are you running default configuration from repo or have you added / removed Traefik labels or anything else in Traefik.toml? Does the...

> I think container/image/etc. labels would be a good way to implement this. Didn't even think of that, that would be perfect!

@Kytech I tried out your build and it seemed to work perfectly fine on first run. Keyboard media buttons worked fine with the windows 10 overlay! However, when I opened...