In `2-svd-nmf-topic-modeling.ipynb` under the section `Spacy` you use: ``` from spacy.lemmatizer import Lemmatizer lemmatizer = Lemmatizer() [lemmatizer.lookup(word) for word in word_list] ``` Unfortunately this creates an empty lemmatizer that will...
Fixes #3 - Replaces Empty Spacy Lemmatizer with an English language Lemmatizer
I expect when calling `add_predictions` on a dataframe with an rstanarm model, that it will add a single new column, with default name pred, to the input dataframe containing the...
tests/pandas_test.py line 92 fails on Pandas 1.2 Extracting the relevant code ``` import pandas as pd df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame( [[1.0, 2.0], [4.0, 5.0], [7.0, 8.0]], index=["cobra", "viper", "sidewinder"], columns=["max_speed",...
With pyathena 1.10.0 and pandas 1.0.0: ``` import pyathena from pyathena.pandas_cursor import PandasCursor con = pyathena.connect() query = "select * from (values ('', 'a'), ('N/A', 'a'), ('NULL', 'a'), (NULL, 'a'))"...