Edward Dunn
Edward Dunn
@smithmich12 Great idea I never thought about that, go ahead.
@Aseged Sounds good!
@Scruffy21 Go ahead, I don't think @Aseged is working on this anymore.
@Scruffy21 No worries, take your time.
@scruffy21 The only solution I can think of is to use an image editor like Photoshop to make them all consistent, an alternative would be the Gimp software that is...
@Scruffy21 It could be done programmatically but probably cleaner to use correctly scaled images. Thanks for your input!
@Germlord I totally agree. More obstacles and objects to jump on would really add to the game, a bit more like the classic Mario games.
@tosirap Thanks for your contribution! The slider looks cool. There is a couple issues I noticed in testing though; - Music no longer mutes when settings modal opens - Slider...
@antoschd Great idea, Its nice and simple but really adds to the game play. If other contributors want to create a more advanced animation that is fine but this is...