MySQL is no longer best choice for many, since purchased by Oracle Company. The cake of Kubeflow is free, except the MySQL piece. And this makes us hesitate to introduce...
@fighting41love @CEfanmin 请问这里的语料使用有进展吗?我正在找一些可用于中文聊天机器人的可用语料。
@zzngb 使用了之后发现对话很奇怪。 然后仔细看了下 语料编排的规则: //M 表示话语,E 表示分割。 E M 话语 a M 话语 b M 话语 c M 话语 d E M 话语 a M 话语 b M 话语 c...
MySQL is of no doubt an excellent database, however Oracle's acquisition brought uncertainty to its future. Like the others above, I sincerely hope kubeflow/pipeline can support postgresql soon, which is...
好的 我理解了 Thank you.