Eduardo Goulart
Eduardo Goulart
I think it shouldn't be too difficult. One would have to adapt the `EMD_wrapper` to accept sparse arrays. I could give it a try
I would go with a more simple solution first. We just need to adapt the code to handle sparse cost/flow matrices. The `network_simplex_simple.h` would require nearly no changes. The main...
@rflamary I guess he wants the library to accept graphs that are not full-bipartite, i.e. not all (src, tgt) pairs are available. The network simplex code already accepts that. The...
@sracha4355 are you still looking into it? Otherwise I could give it a try in the next days
> @EduardoGoulart1 Hey, I was planning on tackling this issue once school ends, which is in 2 weeks. But if you would like to work on this, go ahead! If...
Hey there, any update on it? @anadon by any chance do you still have your WIP PR that people can pick up from?
Hi @jeremy-murphy, has this fix already been merged somewhere? I can't find it in the latest release