I wish all you good. I have noticed that the ecx_dcsync0 function will clear dc activation first ,then it will set the starttime of the sync0 signal. If I set...
Long time no see . I wish all of you are good. I have a question about this function. There is cyclic cmd in ENI file , so that codesys...
I want toknow why SOEM use ecx_FPWRw(context->port,configadr,ECT_REG_ALCTL,htoes(EC_STATE_PRE_OP | EC_STATE_ACK), EC_TIMEOUTRET3) this function to change slaves state into preop state. What is the meaning of write this htoes(EC_STATE_PRE_OP | EC_STATE_ACK) into...
I wanna to add some elements in ec_slave struct or else struct.It won't have bad effects on the whole function,right? Thanks for your answer!
I wish all you good. I have noticed that in SOEM ,the dcactivation only has 3 and 7 in register 0x981.Is that means Ethercat only supports these two dc activation...