> I see no problem here lol It should return `{ "code": 50109, "message": "The request body contains invalid JSON." }`
> > It should return `{ "code": 50109, "message": "The request body contains invalid JSON." }` > > It is completely valid JSON. What you might be thinking of is...
> Do you mean sending `{ "recipient_id": 0000000 }` instead of sending it in `{ "data": { ... } }`? > > If so your bug report is technically incorrect,...
> > But why does it respond with an error saying bots cannot access the endpoint? > > The client uses this endpoint to create group DMs (which I'm pretty...
> > The endpoint is for creating direct messages (in my case) > > Your case isn't entirely what the endpoint does. The endpoint is also used by the client...
I am still able to reproduce this issue Version `5.0.0-1648802546.c9880dc`
@Intevel Any update on this ?
I shouldn't have closed it
This absolutely needs to be merged, I literally can't build anything on Windows and this fixed my issue > In the meantime it gets merged, you can use [my fork](https://github.com/neclepsio/gl).