i have same problems,when modify ''boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC);'' as''boost::xtime_get(&xt, boost::TIME_UTC_);'' it can go to 78%
@yzrobot , can you show your launch file?
thanks 发自我的iPhone 在 2020年8月13日,20:51,Zhi Yan 写道: Hi, you could refer here: https://github.com/yzrobot/mrs_testbed/blob/master/exploration/pioneer3dx.launch. Also please note that this is a bit outdated work, so please consider improving it (e.g. catkin)...
i see your code but how can i install the package just like mapmerging exploremulti robot etc 发自我的iPhone 在 2020年8月13日,21:47,lu ederward 写道: thanks 发自我的iPhone 在 2020年8月13日,20:51,Zhi Yan 写道: ...