This is the URL to the OCI server. For example: https://oci.myvoipprovider.com/. If you don't know it, contact your provider. It's their server you're connecting to. You can then access it...
You can always add a feature and submit it as a pull request.
Are you using the binaries from NuGet or the raw code? What is the error you're receiving?
It's still in preview and Windows-only. So in the current state (being in preview and Windows-only. I don't see a major reason to rush right in. Starting a new branch...
What is the HTML response of the page?
Have you checked/debugged where the lock happens?
Bump - So far no more CLR host. But I would really like it if there were to come a new version.
Hi @BobC10 , please try the OBS Websocket plugin. https://github.com/Palakis/obs-websocket
`^(\+|\d)` works perfectly with `0123` and `+5454` for me. Got any specific example?
`\d+$` works perfectly with `This is test 123`