
Results 5 comments of Eddict

i guess you mean this? (i dont want to 'hardcode' the redirected url) https://www.google.com/s2/favicons?domain=https://{URL:HOST}&sz={YAFD:ICON_SIZE} nice alternative indeed, but then i force everything to https, not sure if that will ever...

i solved it like this; ``` def clean_path(path): invalid = ':"/\|?* ' for char in invalid: path = path.replace(char, '') return path ``` ``` new_directory = os.path.join(main_directory, clean_path(book_data)) ``` also...

> Is this the error you refer to - I also post about the solution there. https://groups.google.com/g/exceldna/c/onRDZLJwoBY/m/ddsjBDbsBAAJ no it is not. i tried your suggestion though but same outcome. so...

1. correct. and so also on SRM (all versions up to 1.3.1) 2. indeed, that is more complicated and risky. i will comment the export SYNO_USE_TEMP_ADMIN=1 line for now (export...

from the [source](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-plugin-kodisyncqueue/blob/master/Jellyfin.Plugin.KodiSyncQueue/ScheduledTasks/RetentionTask.cs): ``` C# public string Description => "If retention days > 0 then this will remove the old data to keep information flowing quickly"; ```