
Results 15 issues of EdCaunt

Stencils specified as the weighted sum of terms need to be assembled into an `EvalDerivative` to ensure that symbolic flop reduction is fully applied. An example of such a stencil...


Updated this notebook with a better free surface implementation in the vein of Mathias' implementation in the acoustic examples.


If you try to use the absolute value of an index (for example when implementing a free-surface as in the acoustic examples) with a function that is staggered, the staggering...

I made a notebook with a simple implementation of a toy variable-z curvilinear acoustic model with a cosine hill. Still WIP, needs tidy-up and explanations, but lmk your thoughts


Setting `coefficents=symbolic` on a function with `staggered` and not specifying stencil coefficients results in derivatives defaulting to incorrect values. It appears that specifying coefficients does not change them from this...


If an unevaluated derivative is substituted for some expression containing derivatives, any derivatives in the substituted expression are duplicated unless they are the original derivative. As the `Derivative` object gets...


If a `ConditionalDimension` is created with `factor=None`, then `self._factor` is set to `None`, but `self.factor` will return 1. As such, when rebuilding a `ConditionalDimension` with no factor, a factor of...


Supersedes #2059


Add Functions on SubDomains functionality. Remaining todo: - Tutorial notebook showing - Demo for seafloor-like configuration - Demo for damping-like configuration - Demo for snapshotting only one region of the...


To implement Functions on SubDomains, the reference between `Grid` and `SubDomain` must be reversed such that `SubDomain`s have a parent `Grid`. However, to avoid breaking existing codes, the legacy API...