Therry van Neerven
Therry van Neerven
I've just enabled `trackResize`. Which is enabling the mapboxgl js option to change the size of the map in case the browser window resizes. However the default mapbox functionality is...
When ansible-vault-mode needs to ask for the password the following output is displayed in the `*ansible-vault-error*` buffer immediately after using `ansible-vault-decrypt-region` ``` ansible-vault decrypt --output=- /usr/lib/python3.8/ GetPassWarning: Can not control...
Yesterday I upgraded my SmartEVSE-2 to firmware 2.30 following the instructions on [smartevse website]( I did check out this repository because it contains the newer 2.30 release. The other repository...
Today I hit a exception while I was trying to compress with Django compressor. I was not the only one who was seeing this exception. So I quickly found a...