The autostart update for debian works for windows too
Hello, I saw that you have begun porting fpdb to python3. Im not very good at python, im able to manually change the DB path in the code, but i...
I would use the python3 version. Its going to save alot of time for all the people who would like to use fpdb, since it takes alot of time to...
Also is there an easy way of disabling play money hands for graphs and positional stats and tourney stats? delete playmoney part from filters.py? edit add playmoney in import filters?
Also is there a way to start hud_main with --minimized? changes in GuiAutoImport.py line 212 - command = 'python "'+path+'\\HUD_main.pyw" ' + self.settings['cl_options'] to command = 'python "'+path+'\\HUD_main.pyw --minimized" '...
from https://sourceforge.net/p/fpdb/mailman/message/23325817/ check the attached hud-position-update.diff