Eason Chen

Results 11 issues of Eason Chen

請問各位前輩 我從 [CLUENER2020](https://github.com/CLUEbenchmark/CLUENER2020) 的 README 過來的 但我找不到 NER 數據及的下載連結 想請問在哪裡下載 NER 格式的資料集? 謝謝

Dear EatTheBlocks I notice a little bug in the royalty contract example that will charge the royalty fee twice. So I fix it and add the test code. Then create...

**Describe the problem** Originally I use the following command and it can work. ``` ./meshroom_batch --input ../input_img --output output_obj ``` Now, I want my meshroom_batch use GPU to compute feature...


Hi I have a jupyter lab service that can be login remotely by password. However, Jupyter's remote login feature was easy to abuse. For example, hackers might get the password...


# Description of change page on https://docs.iota.org/docs/hornet/1.1/references/api-reference#addneighbors I try these API and found out that the neighbor's port is not 14265 but 15600 . So I fix the document to...

# Bug Report 🐛 Hi, I’m exploring template studio and found a invalid link: https://templates.accordproject.org/[email protected] Which at https://templates.accordproject.org/ ## Expected Behavior It should work It work If the URL is...

Hi, This is Eason. I am the GSoC Student at Accord Project working on Automatic Identification And Classification of Contract Data Types with NLP Models. Currently, I'm working on data...

As the image shows, I add some codes to allow the news-feed-eradicator to remove story feeds from friends at Facebook. That is very distracting when I just want to go...

### Description I'm facing trouble when I go through instructions in NFT `move-examples/mint_nft/4-Getting-Production-Ready` I fix and clarify them at this pull reuqestion. First I update the path from `aptos-core/aptos/move-e2e-tests/src/tests/mint_nft.rs` to...

Hi, this repo is awesome! Curious if the team is interested in including a version that requires users to upload their OpenAI API key first to use ChatGPT. Maybe the...