是的,我改成这样了 `public limitInteger($from: number, $end: number): number { return Math.floor(this.limit($from, $end + 1)); }` 结果是左闭右闭,不加一就是左闭右开
Followed solution of @eth0izzle and it works for me on windows10, atom 1.27.2
I think that is supported. It seems that graphql-tag/loader.js will import these `#import xxxx.gql` when building. here's what loader do: https://github.com/apollographql/graphql-tag/blob/292bb8f80cd54b03f6ed07cce10a2f33fe465b06/loader.js#L29-L37
typescript的creator.d.ts中有关于ccclass的接口定义:`export function ccclass(name?: string): Function;`,上面有文档, 大致能猜出是什么意思。 > @example const {ccclass} = cc._decorator; // define a CCClass, omit the name @ccclass class NewScript extends cc.Component { // ... } // define...
> You can use it in any Project, including commercial projects And I will add a license later.