changed "alpha_w_per_m2k" to "u_w_per_m2k": - changed tutorials - added district heating standard pipes - added"u_w_per_m2k" in std types for pipes - added deprecation warning for alpha Not sure how to...
Added heat_consumer in the simple_plot function. The patch is equivalent to the heat exchanger but with a line through the circle. 
Added a standard type for heating pipes. The reason for this addition is, that in literature and industry the parameter for heat loss specified is predominantly U [W/mK] instead of...
Currently there is no feedback implemented for technical and physical boundaries of water temperatur. The user can for example set the temperature to values above liquid state.
- create closed loop net from open loop net (District Heating) - what could be the test for this feature? ToDo: - multiple sources functionality - new geoformat implementation