Results 7 issues of EP-u-NW

The commit in this PR is an exceed from #5119 and part of the ssl overhault; for an in deep discussion, see there. For more information about this commit itself,...


This is a reopening of #4963 with a commit targeting #4960 removed, since it was rejected after discussion. This PR addresses SSL Error Configuration and Client Certificate Trusting (both #3523),...

As discussed in #102 I added an implementation of `SecureRandom` based on darts own [Random]( I saw that pointycastle already features a [SecureRandomBase]( which does all random operations based on...

We could implement an abstract class `ByteBasedSecureRandom` that extends [SecureRandom]( and implements all of it functions based on `nextBytes`. Then, it is easy to extend this `ByteBasedSecureRandom` with a custom...

Looking at [GZipEncoder.encode]( shows that the data argument can either be a buffer (inform of a `List`) or an `InputStream`. On the other hand [BZip2Encoder.encode]( allows only buffers as argument,...

I got modules working on magisk 21.4 and 8.0.7 as in the README. The problem on my installation according to the magisk log was, that magisk could not mount `/sbin/.magisk/mirror/data/adb/modules`....

It is currently not possible to add CRLs (certificate revocation lists) to a server. The problem here is that Qt doesn't allow adding a crl to a `QSslConfiguration` or `QSslSocket`....
