@DiegoWtf doing such stuff right now, did almost everything except replacing heic image by jpeg (converting to it) and saving, have u succeed? Wanna just get some advices...
Managed to fix all the issues, here is my code. ``` function convertheic2jpeg(blob, fileNameFull) { heic2any({ blob: blob, toType: "image/jpeg" }).then(function (resultBlob) { var myFile = new File([resultBlob], fileNameFull.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "")...
@innostudio i think we can close this issue :)
@JohannesBuchner I'm little bit confused. Im new to it. For example i have one blank black image and one blank white image and binbits 32. At the end i'm getting...
> Similar images should have a small difference. > > This function is designed with small binbits (default=3) in mind. If the number is way different, all 3 bits are...