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GWAS Catalog Ontology and Curation Infrastructure
The following yaml files have an empty file_type field in their -meta.yaml. All last edited post Nov 2023. One still prepub, the rest published: GCST90301651 GCST90308682 - this study has...
The md5sum txt and yaml files need to be regenerated for the following GCSTs. The sumstats for these GCSTs have been updated as the user requested, and the metadata has...
GCST002047 was not harmonised successfully because our harmonisation pipeline cannot recognise the column “Effect_Allele”. The harmonisation pipeline reads the “effect_allele” column in the input file to harmonise the variant. However,...
- [x] Deposition Service Rest API - [x] Depo-Curation Service Rest API - [x] Catalog Search Service Rest API - [x] Ingest Service Rest API - [ ] SummaryStats Service...
- Given there are new PMIDs added in depo-curation using the new software feature - the PMIDs should be synched to the curation database - Then the import process can...
After completing all required steps of curation in depocuration, curators must be able to release studies for publication with a single action. Once triggered, studies are imported to Oracle, associations...
Several GWAS Catalog documentation pages include tables. These appear nicely formatted in the github preview, but are difficult to read in production UI because of lack of borders, padding and...
- [ ] The data release build process https://www.ebi.ac.uk/seqdb/confluence/display/GOCI/The+data+release+build+process - [x] Data release process - old https://www.ebi.ac.uk/seqdb/confluence/display/GOCI/Data+release+process+-+old - [x] Data release QC https://www.ebi.ac.uk/seqdb/confluence/display/GOCI/Data+release+QC - [x] Data Release (production) https://www.ebi.ac.uk/seqdb/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=54646811 -...
According to the mapping pipeline, if there is no direct mapping for a gene, the mapping pipeline will retrieve the nearest upstream and downstream gene within 50kb. Mapped upstream and...
A user has pointed out that Gene pages in the Search UI currently include some association data that should not be displayed. This seems to occur whenever gene names include...