Results 12 comments of EAZYBLACK

Nothing Pc Boots From The USB I Used This Usb For Winodws 10 Installlation And It Worked Only Ventoy Do That Maybe exFat partition unsupported Ventoy Worked In Viurtal Machine...

uh i forgot to update ventoy

updated not working tried to convert exFAT to fat32 not working

Nonstandard hosts such as Heroku, Glitch and Repl.it are not supported, due to their design, the bot's data resets every time the app is restarted, and there are extra installation...

Issue Fixed I Used NTFS and MBR in settings and disabled secure boot support It works on legacy bios now Tested on ventoy 1.0.81

Issue was fixed on my 2nd pc and main pc but when i got a new core 2 duo pc , HP DC7700p with c2d e6300 it shows blinking line...

Open ViurtalBox And Find VMComputers Viurtal Machine Edit the video controller from vmsvga to vboxvga to vboxsvga try all video controllers

Use official paper if you want to use 1.8 java / java 8