On AZERTY Layout, when Switch is open, writing [ will switch to another app ( Ctrl+Alt+"(" ) Even if "disabling switching apps" is enabled
### Before submitting a new icon request, please confirm the following: - [X] I have [searched all issues](https://github.com/Templarian/MaterialDesign/issues?q=is%3Aissue) to make sure there isn't a request for this icon. - [X]...
## Issue If you open your ports, anyone with your domain name, or IP Address will be able to track your airtags ## Possible Workaround Add a login page to...
## Issue If an airtag is linked to the Apple account but never got any location, the program will crash ## Possible Workaround If address is null, don't try to...
## Issue For the moment, the map zoom is defined based on the last airtag found ## Possible workaround Find the average location of airtags to center the map
## Issue The location of airtags are rarely perfect, this is why, on the official findmy app, there is a blue circle around the item to show the precision, the...
## Improvement It's possible to handle Airpods ## Possible workaround Remove the filter by "b389" (which is airtags, and can also causes problems if Apple release a new airtag type),...
## Issue If 2 or more airtags are on the same location, it causes an issue when airtags icons overlaps the others. ## Possible workaround It's would be interesting to...