
Results 7 issues of Dyddye

Show the following stats per character after a fight: - damage dealt (absolute, %, and ranking) - damage received - healthpoints healed - CP consumed - number of deaths


Very few times, after a battle is over, the gamepad keeps shaking heavily. It can be undone by replugging the controller. I can' say how to reproduce it.

When a player holds the target switch key in battle, the battle pauses and the executing player has time to change the target. Meanwhile the other players can't do anything....

![ComboStrike](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/91843/167241337-5db7e998-dc2d-4dba-951f-b215ff53c3fa.png) After a certain combo, you can do a combo strike (see image). If P2, P3 or P4 activates it, the marker stays although you can't activate it again. It...

![Berseria_Overlay](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/91843/167175611-348f4373-1c45-4352-857a-37bc3393094f.jpg) - add static P1 healthbar - add character icons? - move P2-P4 healthbars on top of key-bindings - add AG indicators (small diamonds) - add overlimit indicator (blue bar)...


It looks like playing MIDI isn't working on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) anymore. Everything was fine until macOS 10.14. I think, the problem is, that QuickTime itself doesn't support MIDI anymore,...