After I use command clear, there is no way to look back at the content of my clear before. In the Xshell and other software, I can quickly return to...
Hi, this may not be a required feature, but one that I want to implement. Usually, the comparison of two genes focuses on the lower part of the gene to...
Hey there, Before diving into mcor, I noticed we need to set up some XMFA files. I've been using AssemblyAlignmentGenerate, which you've recommended in the past. It's a solid tool,...
While using Bakta, I realized that one of the known genes was not predicted. However, both Prokka and PGAP accurately predicted the gene. I tried using the -region option for...
It's great to see such a great tool, I realized in my own case that if I use a Bakta folder, the fna file needs to be the same as...
The tool developed by the author is very good, but the software has not been updated for a long time, and the database is also the same. Could the author...
## Expected Behavior Test and obtain the expected gene cluster. ## Current Behavior ### using CDS When I use the gff file generated by prokka, it prompts "Not enough columns...
hi, I encountered an ena-ftp download problem, that is, the fq file I downloaded is missing base values, all of them are?. But I switched to prefetch, which is normal....
Hi, I noticed that genome_updater is an excellent tool for downloading and updating NCBI GenBank data without re-downloading everything. Since SRA data is also constantly updated, is it possible to...
I am using PoSeiDON for positive selection analysis, as mentioned in a recent publication (https://journals.plos.org/plospathogens/article?id=10.1371/journal.ppat.1012161). The software successfully generated multiple codeml output files (.mlc files), but I am having trouble...