Hi @duke3dexe, momentan läuft lansuit nur auf PHP 7.* - (8.0 ist noch sehr neu - erst am 30.11.2020 released). Um lansuite "einfacher" zu installieren existiert bereits ein Ticket (https://github.com/lansuite/lansuite/issues/451)....
Hi @andygrunwald my humble ideas to improve: - add PHP 8.0 to composer for UnitTesting ( "php": "^7.0 | ^ 8.0", ) - only inspect for code style in the...
@andygrunwald > Is there an option to only allow this for unit testing? To my current knowledge there this requirement is global for the project and not per environment (as...
I thought SHA-1 was broken?
Would be cool if the related PR could be merged :)
This would help us alot!
This would help us in our project - aswell as #24 !
Would be cool if the related PR could be merged :)
Hi, i'm having exactly the same issue with CLion 2020.2.4 Greetings, Dwarfex
Hi @paoloach, sry for the late reply. Here ist the extract of the idea.log File: Contents of idea.log 2020-11-23 12:36:14,247 [ 0] INFO - #com.intellij.idea.Main - ------------------------------------------------------ IDE STARTED ------------------------------------------------------...