
Results 42 comments of DutchPete

I found out about your team by reading through Eleanor's [weekly roundup](https://www.obsidianroundup.org/2021-11-05-graph-analysis-podcast-notes-8-more-themes/). It might be an idea for you to give it higher profile by drawing people's attention to it...

It works per text block, but if I select more than 1 text block it only does the 1st one. If that is normal behavior, then this issue can be...

Matthew, from what I remember, one used to be able to select multiple blocks of text, then with ⌘ + V in another note all blocks with be embedded simultaneously....

Thanks for the feedback, Matthew. I think I mixed up your plug-in with the Text Transporter plug-in, which has that feature. So, I would say don't worry about adding it...

@fxha > We'll add more and more feature, maybe extended by plugins, that can be activated via settings to improve Mark Text. So we allow everyone to customize Mark Text...

I offered to donate but have not heard back. I do not want to use PayPal or a credit card, but if you have a European bank account I'll be...

Is this project still alive? Surely there is a beautiful opportunity to fill the void left by Typora going commercial and not having a free version anymore.

@fxha: thank you so much for responding. I had a feeling this is what was happening. Luckily it is still possible to use the penultimate beta version of Typora, so...

> The sidebar navigation feels very much like an addon and removes the clean interface of seeing only the document itself how the author intended. > I certainly do NOT...

@allenzt have a look at this: https://github.com/marktext/marktext/issues/1290#issuecomment-1172914762