Brandon Dusch
Brandon Dusch
> @SSwiniarski I tried running yarn to fix some of these issues, but I keep getting an error Invalid configuration file content\cpp\concepts\math-functions\terms\sqrt\ Cannot find module '@codecademy/prettier-config' Any idea how to...
> Oh wait the slashes might have caused the error Yeah I was just noticing that. Are you working from a Windows computer?
> Yes Gotcha. Yeah, let's try rerunning with the forward slash `\` and see if that's what's causing the issue.
Hey @Hitarth-Kothari just wanted to check and see if you had any questions or thoughts about the suggestions/comments that remain on this PR?
Congrats and thank you so much for contributing to Codecademy Docs, @Hitarth-Kothari! 🚀 🥳 The entry should now be live: Looking forward to your next contribution to Docs! 😄
@SSwiniarski Finished implementing your suggestions. 😄
@yangc95 Finished adding new changes, per your feedback 😄
@yangc95 Finished implementing your additional feedback. Thanks! 😄
@HishamT Thanks for the feedback! Changes applied 😎 @SSwiniarski How does this content look from your side?
@caupolicandiaz Finished implementing your feedback.