21:14:03.223 INFO w.g.GamePacketHandlerWotLK - Joined Channel: [Cast] 21:14:03.224 INFO w.g.GamePacketHandlerWotLK - Joined Channel: [Chadwarriors] 21:14:30.478 WARN i.n.c.DefaultChannelPipeline - An exceptionCaught() event was fired, and it reached at the tail of...
21:23:56.639 INFO wowchat.WoWChat$ - Disconnected from server! Reconnecting in 10 seconds... 21:27:10.923 INFO w.r.RealmConnector - Connecting to realm server 21:27:12.056 INFO w.r.RealmPacketHandlerTBC - Connected! Sending account login information... 21:27:12.391...
Good! I will wait and hope that you can help me fix this problem. Server: https://sirus.su
realmlist or
Yes, there are constant updates of the game client on this server. Wowchat, as I understand it, runs the standard 3.3.5 ... Is it possible to prescribe what to connect...