Dario Götze

Results 36 comments of Dario Götze

At every app start, I get spammed multiple times with: ``` LoadableResource - Failed to load resource input for IMFHistoricRateProvider from https://www.imf.org/external/np/fin/data/rms_five.aspx?tsvflag=Y java.net.SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out ``` After some tries,...

@brassier I tried it, but it doesn't work. I am also not able to disable it. If I remove the IMF dependency from maven I always get `Invalid ExchangeRateProvider (not...

@jklingsporn I think he only means to use the Kotlin DSL for the Gradle task in the readme. So not the actual Kotlin support.

I have discovered the same behavior too. Currently, I just want to display four lines of version information in it because the `FormLayout` fits perfectly for that. If I have...

Maybe use KeePass file format for storing and the related apis?

1. The bookmark action item should be always visible to also allow removing of the bookmark. Indicated by filled or unfilled icon. 2. Agree to checkbox. 3. Make it possible...

If exiting with `Ctrl+C` there are two ssh input fields available: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15174076/80148260-10768900-85b5-11ea-847f-5808e2f240d5.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/15174076/80148298-1ec4a500-85b5-11ea-86d0-b4890afc5373.png)

`sudo apt full-upgrade` isn't runnable at all.

A plus to the smaller header. The sidebar should also be minimizable to only show the icon without the text. In this case, the space for the actual output is...