Mikkel Jeppesen

Results 33 comments of Mikkel Jeppesen

If you are going to rewrite it, and still only want to support debian based distros, then this is what I currently use in my vps-deployment playbook: ```yaml - name:...

[wolfram alpha module](https://github.com/dgw/sopel-wolfram) module is affected as well. A .reload will make it respond +1 times

Gotcha. Maybe have an automated fix as part of the setup script? That is, an automated fix that replaces that line.

Okay, I think I understood that, and have updated my PR, however, I'm unsure of how I'd manage to ensure that the variable access in the application, lives in the...

Same. The updater opens but is blank. Then it disappears

definetly need a more secure one. I'd recommend something like a salted sha512 or whirlpool. I might try and make a pull request.

At the current time, I'm not good enough with PHP to work that into mumpi, in a backwards or upgradeable fashion. Instead I'll leave a piece here: ``` function randString($strLen...

I believe this is blocked because esphome uses V3.5 of platform-espressif32. s2 mini support wasn't added until 4.3, so my guess is this is waiting for esphome to move to...

Just got my S60 in the mail, and then found this issue. Saying I'm excited would be an understatement :3