David Ducatel

Results 5 issues of David Ducatel

Hi everybody, I'm trying to move the documentation of my C++ projects to readthedoc. To do that, I'm trying to export my previous doxygen doc to the sphinx doc format...


Hi everyone, I'm trying to parse a command line (imposed, no way to change it) which are like ``` myexe.exe -Url=https://blabla.com/ --AppName=val1 -e testCase -monoapp Open -Ctx "default ctx" ```...

## Expected Behavior When click on external link inside documentation, we should be redirected to the link target ## Current Behavior When click on link, Firefox browser bloc the redirection...


**Environmental Info:** RKE2 Version: On windows nodes: ``` rke2.exe version v1.27.12+rke2r1 (25b27b4e4709a2ac4c550609ad730a9e172d110a) go version go1.21.8 ``` On linux node: ``` rke2 version v1.27.12+rke2r1 (25b27b4e4709a2ac4c550609ad730a9e172d110a) go version go1.21.8 X:boringcrypto ``` Node(s)...