@mig-visiblee Did you fixed that error? I have exactly the same problem with : - Gitlab 12.10.0 - Sonarqube 7.6 - SonarGitlab plugin 4.1.0-SNAPSHOT @gabrie-allaigre Do you have any ideas?
@Limule When you click on the commit, do you see the report from Sonarqube? I can see it but it doesn't create additional jobs to say if the code "passed"...
@Limule Lucky you ! Maybe you need to change quota of your quality gate. I set it to `commit-status` ...
@Limule If you put "exit-code" your pipeline will stop everytime.
I found the issue ``` stages: - test somethingelse: #to solve it, I have replace *sonarqube* by " somethingelse " stage: test image: hidoraswiss/sonar-scanner #when: manual #launch manualy ```
@PhanLe1010 Is there a way to fix the problem? I also have 249 (empty) snapshots on a volume and the replicas doesn't work. The PVC is degraded.
@PhanLe1010 The snapshot was hidden and by "_showing system hidden_" I was able to delete snapshots. Thanks a lot!