Patrick Dubois
Patrick Dubois
Ok so this is an old thread but I had the same issue. What helped for me was to comment out the --searchkey and --storagekey lines in prepdocs.ps1. The missing...
I'm bumping this PR, hopefully this can be integrated. This would probably solve my ticket #1361.
> We are still doing additional testing of this PR, sorry for the delay - it's important that we get this right, given this impacts security. I understand the importance...
This similar project integrates an optional "zero trust" deployment: Perhaps it might be useful to look at their bicep files.
I'm also getting this error. Any tips for a workaround?
Yes I have a 10 min pause. The scheduler is every 130 minutes.
Now that I think about it, perhaps I did not select the proper options in the scheduler settings? I'm not quite sure why I even had to select anything. Is...
With integrated vectorization, correct. So the manual schedule settings are likely different than the settings that are used with prepdocs ? Perhaps it's safer for now to set a manual...
So I tried to create a new index from scratch to avoid the potential issues with the portal config for the scheduler. I decided to instead, create a powershell script...