Spencer Lievens
Spencer Lievens
We could attempt to go through attempting to rectify this issue, however, with the hardfork happening in for Proof of Stake, it might simply be worth waiting until the...
If this is due to running multiple instances of a Dynode on one VPS, then we do not directly support that, and won't be actively working on a fix.
Are you assigning each instance with its own custom ports to use?
The translation files need basing off the main english ts file.
This is not unique to Dynamic and is reported in many other applications including Electron.
I'll investigate this as well on my crapintosh's
Will investigate. I am running Windows 10 x64, I will try first to replicate in Ubuntu 18.04.03LTS.
I believe he uses KVM.
@ultra-pool if you are going to open a pull request, please pr to the v1.3-WIP branch.
I would need to look into whether that would cause issues with building normally from source, have you tested @ultra-pool. Is that an unused function?