Argl! I am so stupid. I should have checked the PRs first. This is so much better than the PR, I submitted today!
I noticed that problem, too. When ":GpChatToggle popup", the popup is not in markdown.
OK, I will see to it. I am on some other project right now, though. The html file generation could be separated, I think. - I just disabled the plugin...
Thank you for your request! How could this work exactly? Maybe, something like this example? The injection given in the comment is activated? ```python # injectme: rst_for_docstring def myfun(): """...
This should be done by a treesitter query. When I monitor the strings with lua, only to activate treesitter on a certain comment, this would be much slower. Sorry, but...
This can be down with altering the regex. Treesitter supports the i flag of regex (see here: https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/issues/261), but I could not get this to work. I just used square...