Results 27 issues of Reda DRISSI

# Description Adds the possibility to prefix each line of log with a timestamp before pushing it to the log file. Currently I only enabled it on rustserver, because that's...

## User Story As a server admin, I want to be able to view timestamps for my server logs. ## Basic info * **Distro:** [Debian 11] * **Game:** [Test on...

distro: Debian
command: start
command: console
command: mods
info: tmux

Using flannel in my kubernetes cluster, I had a DiskPressure. After reducing the threshold and rebooting the node. I now have this on my flannel pod: ``` Error: failed to...

Hello, I had this requirement while using sprig in Helm. My use case is simple, on multiple occasions, I have to supply a username/password on a uri with basic authentication,...

I managed to install everything, it works. But when I want to release grab through `Ctrl+Alt+G` it doesn't release it. And my keyboard and mouse keep grabbed by the VM...

Using the default settings for the loki helm chart. I get the following errors: ```json { "caller": "tcp_transport.go:318", "component": "memberlist TCPTransport", "level": "error", "msg": "unknown message type", "msgType": "Rw==", "remote":...

Weird output from cursor get: I would get both key and value inside the key variable, then the value inside the value variable : ```cpp #include #include #include using namespace...

I tried to simply delete an entry, and can't really know if I'm wrong or if this is a bug, the only documentation I could find was the api reference,...

I'm using the docker images 0.6.1-2. By the way any reason why the most recent docker image is 2 years old? Any specific reason why the 0.7.0 hasn't been pushed?...

I simply launched the server using the docker command, and it's stuck on "Starting server". Using latest version of maptiler/tileserver-gl. I also used a file from openstreetmap that's quite big...