Daniel Beckert
Daniel Beckert
I tried to summarize current state of requisites for `V8 Code Event Handler API`. Requisites are taken from Tier 1 (most complete set of requirements). There are some requirements that...
I added test cases to the command `findrefs -s` and it happens that once in a while an ECONNRESET error is thrown. ``` Error: read ECONNRESET at exports._errnoException (util.js:1020:11) at...
Current compilation process throws some warnings. Wouldn't it be a good approach to prevent merge of PRs that introduce new warnings? Or maybe add it to the test pipeline? Current...
Uma dúvida, a documentação traduzida a partir do [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/nodejs/pt-BR) fica automáticamente disponível em algum endereço? Ou existe um processo de aprovação e release dessas documentações?