
Results 35 issues of DreamPWJ

When my IOS project introduced a private repository, the code in this folder was not managed by git, whenever it was executed This folder will be deleted when the Fastlane...

Now there are a few fixed, and the list page does not change after tinacms is modified ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16730031/177526876-2addd986-0eab-4587-b6f6-fc095629bb09.png)

### Board esp32-c3-devkitm-1 ### Device Description no ### Hardware Configuration no ### Version v2.0.3 ### IDE Name PlatformIO 、 Clion ### Operating System Windows11 ### Flash frequency 160 ### PSRAM...

Status: Test needed
Area: BT&Wifi
Chip: ESP32-C3
Area: Peripherals API

![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16730031/177899819-6650f045-f512-43ca-826c-1102b8c2be68.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16730031/177899836-c116bf82-540c-43b4-ae47-810f177658ee.png) I have been clear that all kinds of caches still do not work。 use lerna v5.1.8 run ` lerna bootstrap --ci` 。It's good to work locally。

type: bug

## What problem does this feature solve? 对应移动端体积大小直接影响用户体验,单独导入可以减少体积,同时配合ionic框架等使用时,可以按需引入符合自己产品需求的几个组件 ## What does the proposed API look like? import { NzButtonModule } from 'ng-zorro-antd/button';


需求 mapperxml编写了一个sql方法 希望同时生成Controller Service Dao三层的4个调用方法,不是生成文件 是在各自的文件里面新增方法 这样效率就是真的高了 因为自定义sql情况更多



Cannot view color on console ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16730031/105143205-7ab55d80-5b36-11eb-919f-59f2b7d0bfcb.png)




![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16730031/101107943-6bbe2e80-360e-11eb-878c-62573ce526b5.png) ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/16730031/101107957-71b40f80-360e-11eb-897c-d1406039eb3e.png)

to be done later