You may want to post your log from the time period where the graph goes from properly displaying the data to stopping.
Since this plugin is not signed, as the log entry suggests, you need to add an exception to the plugin security in your /etc/grafana/grafana.ini file. Assuming this is a fresh...
I believe I'm also seeing this same condition. Since I'm not sure if this is an issue with the plugin or a core Grafana issue, I'm going to report to...
In pkg/plugin/datasource.go, RunStream() calls Client.Unsubscribe if ctx.Done() - which is the state when a browser disconnects from the Grafana console. pkg/plugin/datasource.go ``` func (ds *MQTTDatasource) RunStream(ctx context.Context, req *backend.RunStreamRequest, sender...
I believe this also resolves issue #36 and #37 which seem to be variants of "data is lost when I close the browser". Of course this comes with the caveat...
Have used mqtt-datasource for a couple of weeks now without the Client_Unsubscribe() on client disconnect. I'm enjoying being able to revisit dashboards without the data wipes. I've noticed only one...
Here's a link to a 15 second video showing how the panels quickly seem to "eat" the old values. The video is recorded at 1X normal speed First, the gauge...
This seems to be related to issue #36 where data is lost the moment you close the browser window. It starts collecting again automatically whether a browser is viewing the...
Seems like you are describing the core function of Foundry and not an aspect of the Simple Worldbuilding system. When you open a char sheet from the Actors menu, you...