Jens-Wolfhard Schicke-Uffmann

Results 10 comments of Jens-Wolfhard Schicke-Uffmann

Apropos: An (IMHO) very sensible default behavior would be to have migrations without migration.ini depend per-default on all lexicographically smaller migrations.

You're probably missing libadns1-dev:

Also, please `git pull` to include 216bcf303e4563fd4f6ecac1b2f0ef1739097eb6, otherwise you'll probably see linker errors after having installed the lib.

Cockroach version was `v20.1.3-linux-amd64` downloaded from ``. My experiments were as follows, always starting an fresh cluster, only `init` ever ran against it. I observed total CPU usage on the...

Re-reading the above, one correction: > always starting an fresh cluster, is not correct. I setup a new cluster (incl. new machines) between experiment setup 1 and 2. However, within...

In preparation of a larger-scale load test run, I today confirmed the same problem on 256 t3.medium instances hosting one cockroach instance each (so it's not some artifact of shared...

For the record: I saw a (superficially similar) instability today on a 365 node cluster (mix of c5.9xlarge / m5.8xlarge) which was _not_ CPU (nor RAM) starved. Is the gossip...

Version: `` Deployment: Terraform onto new EC2 instances (Ubuntu `ami-0062c497b55437b01`) and then started via ``` while sleep 1; do /usr/local/bin/cockroach start \ --insecure \ --advertise-addr="$LOCAL_IP":5432 \ --listen-addr= \ --join=,,,, \...

I looked into this further today (via `/_status/gossip/local`): * The gossip key set is growing linearly with number of servers (`distsql-draining:`, `gossip-clients:`, `store:` and `liveness:`, `node:`) * There are constant...

@CLAassistant Please talk to about copyright license regarding this contribution, as the copyright is assigned to Payrails. [But note it's MIT anyway.]