Pierre LeMoine
Pierre LeMoine
There are no obvious drawbacks in accepting this pull request, right? Proper separation is a good thing. The discussion about column/row is a separate issue, and to not impact the...
Ah, that gl3n.ext entered the discussion pretty randomly. Thought it was something related to these changes, was wondering why I couldn't find it in the changes for this PR. Anyway.....
@Kludex It would be super to see this merged! 🙏
I've checked out the problem from `enthought/comtypes` and these are my findings: `ITypeComp.Bind` is specified to return `Optional[Tuple[str, _UnionT[FUNCDESC, VARDESC, ITypeComp]]]`. [typeinfo.py:375](https://github.com/enthought/comtypes/blob/main/comtypes/typeinfo.py#L375). The offending line returns `"type", bindptr.lptcomp` where `bindptr`...
Now after the fact I saw #10595 . I think this proposal does what was intended in the PR and discussed in #10567, but better, as it is performed automatically...
It turns out that subclassing the basic types causes them to not be unboxed, and this behaviour has always been part of ctypes. I'll try fix things to properly reflect...