Results 118 comments of Douman

Just to clarify: is current implementation is not able to reconnect or is it lacking something?

I'm planning on using your library to implement IRC bot so I wanted to have clarifications. Thanks for it and examples.

Yeah I know... I'm going to work on this part of UI too

I'm not sure if there is any point to compare different things. `minivec` provides you with very optimal sized type, but otherwise it is the same as `vec` so if...

Proper ZST support will require following: - Specialization - - ~ Ability to trait bound on ZST types in generic way - Not clear if it is currently possible...

`minivec` should mimic `Vec` as much as possible actually. `into_raw` makes a little sense as you lose ability to get meta information (capacity, length) by destroying vector. Either it should...

Let's not guess @LeonineKing1199 intentions here. Although I know from talking with him that the only goal is to provide Vec with size of pointer.

Since it is msvc it is probably C++ which, I believe, will result in `XXH3_kSecret` to fall under internal linkage category Which means any include of `xxhash.h` would result in...

@fafhrd91 No, `Path` extract uses own [deserializer]( I don't see it using seder url encoded, we only can use it for query component of path. In case of path, we...

I guess would kinda useful Currently the only facilities for this currently is [HttpRequest::url_for]( or [HttpRequest::url_for_static]( And that is pretty much limited. But I imagine something that could generate help...