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Survival Games plugin for Bukkit
Well i added WorldGuard source code and now it works :)
3:53:36 PM SG]Checking: for updates 3:53:36 PM CONSOLE: [WARNING] [SurvivalGames] [SurvivalGames] could not check for updates. 3:53:42 PM CONSOLE: [INFO] onBlockFromTo:Location{world=CraftWorld{name=Protection2},x=909.0,y=8.0,z=-338.0,pitch=0.0,yaw=0.0} Type:STATIONARY_LAVA 3:53:42 PM CONSOLE: [INFO] onBlockFromTo:Location{world=CraftWorld{name=Protection2},x=909.0,y=8.0,z=-338.0,pitch=0.0,yaw=0.0} Type:STATIONARY_LAVA 3:53:42 PM...
I added a couple of arena's but they are not added in the latest Dev Build.
I'm having a lot of crashes in my server. These crashes are making more crashes (like "The server has stopped responding") and finally, I'm taking the server off 90% of...
When I do /sg setlobbyspawn, all i get is the message info.lobbyspawn. Also, when I do /sg addwall, it does not show the developer names etc as i've seen before,...
I really think this event is called to early in the code. So methodes like "removePlayer(player, true)" are useless to call in other plugins that would like to use the...
Hello, I getting this exception every day one time can someone help me fix it can pay something for it tought paypal. console log: crash-reports: Before this exception...
SurvivalGames prevents server from restart on crash. 12:52:09 [INFO] [SurvivalGames] Disabling SurvivalGames v0.5.8
Build #30. Missing: - "&cNo games to join - [SG] No games to join" - Joining arena - You have a %% second grace period! Isn't working even if changed...
How to prevent lobby walls from updating stats: 1. Start server 2. Get high online on SG arenas 3. Force disconnect all online players 4. Here we go.